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FV-1 Instructions and Syntax

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Equate a value to a label reference

Usage: equ krt 0.86 ;equate the label krt to the value of 0.86
equ sgn -1 ;equate the label sgn to the value of -1
equ a reg0 ;equate the label a to represent register 0
Notes: declare label equates prior to label use.

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Define the length of delay memory elements and associate an address label.

Usage: mem del1 1000 ;assign 1000 delay memory locations to the label del1

  • when writing to a delay, do so to the address label
  • when reading the end of the delay, do so to the address label terminated with a #, as in del1#
  • when reading the midpoint of a delay, do so to the address label terminated with a $, as in del1$

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Read delay memory times coefficient and add to accumulator.

Usage: rda memaddress,coefficient


  • coefficient width is 11 bits, ranging -2.0 to +1.998
  • read data from delay memory is simultaneously loaded into the LR register
  • Previous ACC value is simultaneously loaded into PACC

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Read delay memory from addr_ptr location, multiply by coefficient and add to accumulator

Usage: rmpa coefficient


  • addr_ptr is a special register reserved for delay memory addressing
  • coefficient width is 11 bits, ranging -2.0 to +1.998
  • read data from delay memory is simultaneously loaded into the LR register
  • Previous ACC value is simultaneously loaded into PACC

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Write ACC to delay memory location and multiply ACC by coefficient

Usage: wra memaddrs,coefficient


  • coefficient width is 11 bits, ranging -2.0 to +1.998
  • Previous ACC value is simultaneously loaded into PACC

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Write delay memory, multiply written value by the coefficient, add to LR register and load ACC with result.

Usage: wrap memaddrs,coefficient


  • used specifically in producing inline all pass filters for reverb.
  • coefficient width is 11 bits, ranging -2.0 to +1.998
  • Previous ACC value is simultaneously loaded into PACC

A typical all pass filter is coded with the following sequence, the input signal is assumed to be in ACC, and the output will appear in ACC:

rda ap1#,kap
wrap ap1,-kap

where previous statements defined ap1 and kap:

mem ap1 205 ;ap1 is 205 memory locations long
equ kap 0.55 ;all pass coefficient is 0.55

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Read register value, multiply by coefficient and add to ACC.

Usage: rdax reg0,0.2
rdax hifil,kfil ;hifil previously equated to register (such as reg12), kfil previously equated to numerical value.


  • coefficient width is 16 bits, ranging -2.0 to +1.9999389
  • Previous ACC value is simultaneously loaded into PACC

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Subtract register contents from ACC, multiply by coefficient, add register contents and load to ACC.

Usage: rdfx reg0,0.23


  • Used specifically for the construction of filters.
  • coefficient width is 16 bits, ranging -2.0 to +1.9999389
  • Previous ACC value is simultaneously loaded into PACC
  • This is a way to load a register directly to the accumulator, using the line:

    RDFX    reg,1

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Write ACC to register, multiply ACC by coefficient

Usage: wrax reg1,0


  • Coefficient width is 16 bits, ranging -2.0 to +1.9999389
  • Previous ACC value is simultaneously loaded into PACC

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Write ACC to register, multiply ACC by coefficient, add PACC and load result to ACC

Usage: wrhx reg2,-0.5


  • Used in creating single pole, shelving high pass filters.
  • The coefficient should be negative and will create a shelf gain based on the coefficient value.
  • Coefficient width is 16 bits, ranging -2.0 to +1.9999389
  • Previous ACC value is simultaneously loaded into PACC

The WRHX operation is intended to follow the RDFX operation. An example of a shelving high pass filter follows, where the input signal is assumed to be in ACC, and the output will appear in ACC after execution:

rdfx reg0,khp ;khp previously defined with an EQU statement
wrhx reg0,ksh ;ksh previously defined with an EQU statement

The input signal will be in ACC, and during the execution of the first statement, that input signal will be transferred to PACC. During the second instruction, the written value is multiplied by a coefficient (which would be negative for a shelf), and added to PACC (the original input signal). The coefficient in the first instruction sets the corner frequency of the filter, and the coefficient in the second instruction determines the shelf depth. A coefficient of -1.0 represents an infinite shelf, a coefficient of -0.5 sets a shelf at -6dB.

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Write ACC to the register, subtract ACC from PACC, multiply result by the coefficient, then add PACC and load result to ACC.

Usage: wrlx reg6,kshlf ;kshlf previously equated to a numerical value.


  • Used in creating single pole, shelving low pass filters.
  • The coefficient should be negative and will create a shelf gain based on the coefficient value.
  • Coefficient width is 16 bits, ranging -2.0 to +1.9999389
  • Previous ACC value is simultaneously loaded into PACC

The WRLX operation is intended to follow the RDFX operation. An example of a shelving low pass filter follows, where the input signal is assumed to be in ACC, and the output will appear in ACC after execution:

rdfx reg0,klp ;klp previously defined with an EQU statement
wrlx reg0,ksh ;ksh previously defined with an EQU statement

The input signal will be in ACC, and during the execution of the first statement, that input signal will be transferred to PACC. During the second instruction, the written value is subtracted from PACC (the filter's input signal), multiplied by the shelving coefficient and added to PACC (the original input signal). The coefficient in the first instruction sets the corner frequency of the filter, and the coefficient in the second instruction determines the shelf depth. A coefficient of -1.0 represents an infinite shelf, a coefficient of -0.5 sets a shelf at -6dB.

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Load the maximum of the absolute value of the register times the coefficient or the absolute value of ACC to ACC.

Usage: maxx reg2,0.5


  • Coefficient width is 16 bits, ranging -2.0 to +1.9999389
  • Previous ACC value is simultaneously loaded into PACC
  • Maxx is ideal for delivering a peak detected signal to a low pass filter; if the signal is in the accumulator and reg0 is used as a filter:

    maxx    reg0,0.99
    wrax    reg0,0

The first instruction compares the value in reg0 with the accumulator, but does so with a somewhat decreased reg0 value; this is so that if the ACC signal is smaller, the second instruction will write this decreased value back to reg0. Otherwise, the ACC value will be forced into reg0. The coefficient in the second instruction leaves ACC cleared, but if the coefficient is 1, then the peak detected signal will be passed on to further processing. The coefficient in the first instruction will determine the time constant of the filter.

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Changes the ACC contents to absolute value of ACC

Notes: Previous ACC value is simultaneously loaded into PACC

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Load the accumulator with the product of ACC and a register.

Usage: mulx reg0


  • The upper 15 bits of the register are used as a coefficient, allowing a multiplier range of -1.0 to +0.999389
  • Previous ACC value is simultaneously loaded into PACC

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Take the LOG base 2 of the absolute value of the accumulator, divide result by 16, multiply the result by the coefficient, add a constant and load to ACC.

Usage: log 1.5,-0.3


  • Coefficient width is 16 bits, ranging -2.0 to +1.9999389
  • constant width is 11 bits, -1.0 to +0.999
  • Previous ACC value is simultaneously loaded into PACC
  • This function, along with EXP provides the ability to perform divides and square roots.

Because the maximum value that can be input to the LOG function is +1.0, the maximum LOG output value is 0; most real arguments will deliver a negative LOG result. Since the negative result value could be quite large for very small input arguments, the scale for the LOG result is divided by 16 at it's output, for storage in the -1 to +0.9999 signal range of registers.

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Raise 2 to the power of the accumulator*16, multiply by a coefficient and add to a constant, loading the result to ACC.

Usage: exp 0.8,0


  • Coefficient width is 16 bits, ranging -2.0 to +1.9999389
  • constant width is 11 bits, -1.0 to +0.999
  • Previous ACC value is simultaneously loaded into PACC
  • This function, along with LOG provides the ability to perform divides and square roots.
  • The EXP function is designed tocompliment the LOG function.

Because the maximum value that can be input to the LOG function is +1.0, the maximum LOG output value is 0; most real arguments will deliver a negative log result. Since the negative result value could be quite large for very small input arguments, the scale for the LOG result is divided by 16 at it's output, for storage in the -1 to +0.9999 signal range of registers.

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Multiply ACC by the coefficient value and add a constant (Scale and OFfset)

Usage: SOF 1.5,-0.3 ;multiply the accumulator by 1.5 and subtract 0.3


  • Coefficient width is 16 bits, ranging -2.0 to +1.9999389
  • constant width is 11 bits, -1.0 to +0.999
  • Previous ACC value is simultaneously loaded into PACC

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And ACC with immediate mask

Usage: and   %011111000000000000000000   ;and with binary 011111000000000000000000
and $000001 ;and with hex 000001


Notes: Previous ACC value is simultaneously loaded into PACC

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Or ACC with immediate mask

Usage: or   %011111000000000000000000   ;or with binary 011111000000000000000000
or $000001 ;or with hex 000001


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Xor ACC with immediate mask

Usage: xor   %011111000000000000000000   ;or with binary 011111000000000000000000
xor $000001 ;or with hex 000001


Notes: Previous ACC value is simultaneously loaded into PACC

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Skip N instructions based on condition

Usage: skp zro,2 ;skip ahead 2 instructions if accumulator is zero.
skp gez,doit ;skip to label doit if accumulator is zero or positive
Notes: Conditions are:
run ;set after first program execution
zrc ;if the sign of ACC and PACC are different
zro ;if ACC is zero
gez ;if ACC is greater than or equal to zero
neg ;if ACC is negative

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Load SIN/COS generator with initial conditions

Usage: wlds sin0,freq,amp ;load the SIN/COS0 generator with freq and amp variables

  • There are two SIN/COS generators in the FV-1, SIN0 and SIN1
  • The frequency variable is a 9 bit value
  • The amplitude variable is a 15 bit value
  • This command is usually used to initialize a SIN/COS generator at the beginning of the program, preceded by a Skp run,1 command.

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Load RAMP generator with initial conditions

Usage: wldr   rmp0,freq,amp   ;load the RAMP0 generator with freq and amp variables

  • There are two RAMP generators in the FV-1, RMP0 and RMP1
  • The frequency variable is a 16 bit value
  • The frequency variable is a 2 bit value 00 (0)=512, 01 (1)=1024, 10 (2)=2048 and 11 (3)=4096
  • This command is usually used to initialize a RAMP generator at the beginning of the program, preceded by a Skp run,1 command.

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When executed, will force a selected RAMP generator to it's starting condition

Usage: jam 0

  • This can be used in pitch transposition to intelligently reset the read pointer when the input
  • and output of the transpose function are highly correlated.

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General operation for reading delay memory from an LFO output as both a memory pointer and an interpolation coefficient.

Usage: cho   rda,sin0, SIN | REG ,del1+100 ;read del1+100+(sine of SIN/COS0 value) also, register LFO values.
cho   rdal,sin1 ;load accumulator with SIN/COS1 LFO output (Sine only)
cho   sof,rmp1,na ;multiply ACC value by ramp1 crossfade value

The CHO operations allow the LFOs to supply address and coefficient information the the FV-1 engine, and are complicated by their flexibility. The three variants, RDA, RDAL and SOF have specific usage. LFO selection can be either sin0 or sin1 (the two SIN/COS LFOs, or rmp0 or rmp1 (the two RAMP LFOs).

The CHO RDA operation is intended to read memory from a location specified by the user, plus an address value from the selected LFO. The addressed value is multiplied by a fractional coefficient to form half of a signal interpolation between two adjacent points. The values from the LFO can be modified by a 6 bit number, inserted into the command line, that direxcts the process in several ways. The bits can be manually assembled into a number that is entered in decimal, HEX($-) or binary(%-). The 6 bits are as follows:

  • Bit0: SIN (000000) or COS (000001) selects either the SIN or COS output of a SIN/COS generator

  • Bit1: REG (000010) function. Using this will register the current LFO outputs for subsequent operations; to be used only on the first access to an LFO (LFO is continuously updated in the background)

  • Bit2: COMPC(000100) sends 1-fraction to the multiplier for the first half of an interpolation.

  • Bit3: COMPA(001000) compliments the address output, effectively inverting the SIN or COS function.

  • Bit4: RPTR2(010000) Adds 0.5 of full scale to a RAMP, to obtain a second pointer in pitch transpose operations

  • Bit5: NA(100000) Selects the crossfade function of a ramp generator for crossfading in a pitch transposer.

The above bits can be used in OR fashion, such as: CHO  RDA,S0,COS|REG|COMPC,del1+20

SIN/COS LFOs can only use bits 0, 1, 2 and 3, while RAMP LFOs make use of bits 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

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No operation

Usage: nop

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Change sign of ACC value

Usage: not

Notes: Previous ACC value is simultaneously loaded into PACC

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Clear ACC

Usage: clr

Notes: Previous ACC value is simultaneously loaded into PACC

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