Keith Barr
Keith Barr is the president of Spin Semiconductor, and an avid electronics engineer. Keith has been designing products, primarily for the audio industry. He founded MXR Innovations in 1973, and later, Alesis Corp in 1984. His experience began with tube circuits (when transistors were not available), building amplifiers and radios.
Although an analog engineer at heart, he designs computer architectures, the most recent of which is the FV-1 processor (Spin's first product). Keith sees ASIC design as the next step in electronics engineering, and designs all of his circuits from the bottom up, from the transistor level.
Keith Barr has just written a new book "ASIC Design in the Silicon Sandbox", published by McGraw-Hill.
This book is an extremely practical starting point for anyone interested in designing their own mixed signal integrated circuits.
For more info about book, click here.